Katherine Hedland Hansen

Katherine Hedland Hansen


Katherine Hedland Hansen is a formerly stressed out working mom who is now working for herself, spending more time with her son and writing what she really wants to keep from being a regular stressed out mom. She blogs about things that make you laugh, think, and feel at www.kheadlines.com and spends her free time keeping up with her active 9-year-old son and trying to keep their puppy from destroying the house. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook!

Katherine Hedland Hansen Articles

Even on our happiest days, you longed for your mom. Image: Thinkstock.

A Letter To My Stepdaughter

I always loved you. Even when you weren’t speaking to me. Even when you scratched my face out of a family picture. Even when you slammed the door and said, “You’re not my parent.” Even when we fought about school and grades. Even when you were a teenager and didn’t come home at night and Dad and I stayed up all night scared to death, wondering where you were.

Image via Giphy

Your Facebook Photos Are Grossing Me Out

My Facebook feed was flooded with pictures of sh*t this morning. Literally. Am I the only one who doesn’t want to see poop or pus on my social media?

 I completely lost it.

Why I Totally Lost My Sh*t In Front Of My Kid

Yelling, swearing, name calling, idle threats. Not my proudest mom moment, but I know a lot of you have been there too.

Little talks over time are better than one, big sitdown.

Why I Won’t Have “The Talk” With My Preteen Son

I know a lot of parents struggle with how to have these uncomfortable conversations. My friends and I have talked — and laughed — about our boys’ questions and the approaches to them. Some of them laid it all out there for their sons early on. Others insist their sons still don’t know the difference between boys and girls. (Love you, ladies, but give me a break.) So when I was asked to write an article about how to talk to your kids about sex, I jumped at the chance. Here are some of the main points all the experts told me.

It’s normal to get a little sick of each other once in a while — and that’s OK.

10 Things I’ve Learned From Being A Sudden Stay-At-Home Mom

When I found myself suddenly not working 50 hours a week, I had no idea what to do with myself. But as my family eased into this new normal and found our rhythm, I’ve figured out a few things.


No, I Will NOT Allow My Child To Play Grand Theft Auto.

The conversation began again with this employee. He told us it’s pretty much impossible to avoid the violence, sex, and profanity. “It’s really the worst game out there for kids,” he told me bluntly, confirming my fears.
