
It is easier to hate what we want than to pursue it.

Women, Other Women Are Not Your Enemy

I’ve habitually, if unconsciously, compared myself to other white women who, in far greater numbers than women of color, are granted competitor status in America’s Olympics of life.

Photo by Natalya Zaritskaya on Unsplash

Perfect Family Envy: Letting Go & Learning To Love What You Have

I’ve been that single mom perusing my friend’s pages on social media as their catalog-like family portraits, holiday photos, and tales of family bliss fill my newsfeed. I, too, have experienced “perfect family envy.”

Jealousy can live right under the surface, even amongst friends.

What's Not Said: “I’m Jealous of You.” 

How much energy does it take to be jealous? Hint: Way too much.

Photo credit: Emma Wondra Photography "I’m starting to worry that my friends are prettier than me."

What If My Friends Are Prettier Than Me?

From a young age, people (especially women) are constantly taught that we’re in competition with one another. Whether it’s our grades, our social status, our economic status, or those creepy beauty pageants for 6 year olds, we’re immediately thrust into a world where we’re taught to view everyone as adversarial to a certain degree.

Please don’t tell me “I want what you have” — not unless you want me to run for the hills and hide. Image: Thinkstock.

Your Jealousy Isn't Flattering

One person’s successful venture or exalting victory — regardless of what it is — does not take away the possibility of anyway else’s. This world is vast, and there is plenty of room for everyone’s love and success stories (if they so desire them).


Lena Dunham Launches Advice Vlog—And It's So Awesome, I Hate Her

Dunham is such an unabashedly self loving/loathing spectacular specimen, I can't help but want to be her. And destroy her.
