Divorce Warrior
Divorce Warrior Articles
What is it like to grow up with an absent parent?
Read...When my ex and I decided to divorce, I was overcome with fear and sadness at the thought of living part time without my two children. Could it be possible for my soon-to-be ex and I to remain in the same home for the sake of parenting our kids even though we couldn’t stand the sight of one another?
Read...It's no surprise that parents who run a tighter ship get ticked off when everything they work so hard to instill in their children goes right out the window when they go to their other parent’s home, then they have to struggle to reintegrate into the structured environment when they return.
Read...What should you do if caught in a bad situation that you’re desperate to be free from, but you can’t afford to divorce?
Read...What is it about this “crazy ex” phenomenon? Are that many people really plagued by vindictive trouble makers and stalkers who were once their partners and lovers? Is having a crazy ex some sort of status symbol like owning the new iPhone 7? Is it possible to divorce without also having a “crazy ex?"
Read...My experience with financial abuse has certainly made me wiser and more cautious with the management of my financial affairs.
Read...What should a custody exchange look like and how do co-parents manage to keep them peaceful and productive?
Read...I’ve been that single mom perusing my friend’s pages on social media as their catalog-like family portraits, holiday photos, and tales of family bliss fill my newsfeed. I, too, have experienced “perfect family envy.”