Any woman living in the United States can submit a campaign for consideration. The team reviews the application and works with the campaign creator to put her story forward in the most compelling way.
Read...Branding your new business doesn't have to require a lot of capital or stress! Here are seven easy ways to build up your new enterprise.
Read...Pham’s company, MOGUL, is run by women and for women, and has a profound social mission.
Read...Being millennials, we seem to have a creative spirit and entrepreneurial drive to do things on our own. Whether it’s the people you're working with or the big ideas that are brewing in the back of your mind, if you are feeling the “start your own business itch,” then it’s time to scratch it — even if you only work on the weekends until you get things up and running. Believe it or not, there are some easy ways to start your own business and get things moving in the right direction for yourself.
Read...fashion entrepreneur. advocate for human trafficking victims.
Read...pleasure gap closers. engineers. dame products founders.
Read...Army guys doing yoga? Burrito yoga bags? Here's the inside scoop on Brogamats.