emotional abuse
The worst thought of all — if I meet someone who actually is really nice, how will I stop my anxiety from telling me they will end up being assholes?
Read...Anyone who has been a victim of abuse will tell you that the burden of emotional labor is enormous, and that it’s amplified by the pressure to keep quiet.
Read...As long as I give my daughter the space to talk, I feel like my alcoholic ex can strengthened my relationship with her. I hope she knows that I'm here.
Read...I just want something in my life to be happy and not dictated by some tyrannical religious presence. I'm afraid my parents will choose religion over me.
Read...From a 25 point list, "These are the signs you're in an emotionally abusive relationship," he even agreed he was doing like 22 of them.
Read...It’s never too late to resolve to have a better relationship. Remove these toxic things from your vocabulary in 2018.