Chelsea Cristene

Chelsea Cristene


Chelsea Cristene is a communications associate and English professor based in Washington, DC. She has been published by the Good Men Project, Salon, xoJane, and MamaMia, and runs a film review blog, Catch Up, with fellow Role Reboot contributor Telaina Eriksen. Find her on Twitter.

Chelsea Cristene Articles

The first rule: Unrequited love sucks.

We Need To Learn How To Handle Unrequited Love

The first rule: Unrequited love sucks. The second rule took regrettably longer for me to get a handle on: My unilateral crush was not this guy’s problem.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Allergy Shaming Is A Thing, And It Needs To Stop

I realized that allergies, much like mental health, are largely misunderstood and often dismissed as trivial or exaggerated.

Photo by Rex Pickar on Unsplash

The Silent Grief Of Secret Illness

Illness is intensely personal, but it never affects the person diagnosed alone.

Knowing a few compulsive liars over the course of my life has taught me some things.

How To Maintain Your Sanity Around A Compulsive Liar

Knowing a few compulsive liars over the course of my life has taught me some things. Living during Trump’s presidency has reinforced them.

When we are faced with an evil that looks like us, things get a little more complicated.

We Don’t Call Out White Terrorism Because We Don’t ‘Other’ Whiteness

If Trump is right (there’s a first time for everything) and we need to state what a problem is before solving it, then let’s state it now. Radical white terrorism.

Photo by Pim Myten on Unsplash

The Problem With Trying To Keep Women Out Of Gay Bars

I see no such kerfuffle over straight men at gay bars, so it appears that this brand of exclusivity is Dicks Only.

I reject the insistence that a woman can’t choose what makes her feel beautiful without regard for the judgement of others.

'One Creates Oneself': On Being A Feminist Who Loves Makeup 

I reject the insistence that a woman can’t choose what makes her feel beautiful without regard for the judgement of others.

Overall, women don’t want to be 22 again.

Men May Prefer Younger Women, But Women Don’t Give A Sh*t

When men’s dating preferences were observed, the age of women they expressed interest in never (never!) deviated from the early 20s.

Thank you, Isolde, for making me pause, for encouraging me to ditch the pocket computer for conversation with someone new.

What Staying With A Stranger Taught Me About Intimacy

Thank you, Isolde, for making me pause, for encouraging me to ditch the pocket computer for conversation with someone new.

I experience male and female attraction differently — though neither feels any less “natural” than the other.

Why I'm Coming Out As A Bisexual Woman

Chipping away at the problem of bisexual erasure starts with living truth out loud.
