
According to Dr. Banschick, “a Malignant Divorce is instigated when one party simply wants to win at all costs.”

What Is A Malignant Divorce And How To Respond If It Happens To You

Dr. Mark Banschick has coined the phrase “Malignant Divorce” to better describe what happens during a high conflict divorce.

Single Mom stuck in the middle: It’s normal for things to come to a standstill after divorce. It’s normal to feel stuck.

To The Single Mom Stuck In The Middle

Single Mom stuck in the middle: It’s normal for things to come to a standstill after divorce. It’s normal to feel stuck.

(Artwork: Tess Emily Rodriguez)

Ask Erin: My Husband Left Yesterday — Is My Marriage Really Over?

My husband left yesterday after months of fighting because in October I found out he had an affair. Is my marriage really over?

I miss them. A lot. But I also enjoy the time I have without them and I'm a better parent because of this.

Time Away From My Kids Makes Me A Better Parent

I’m either flying solo — being anything and everything to my two kids — or I am literally solo. And it makes me a better parent.

I took a page from my ex-husband’s book. I started smoking weed.

How Smoking Weed Helped Me Through My Divorce

Smoking weed helped me get through my divorce. The weed was the ripcord that turned my free-fall into a parachute glide for an hour or two.

My experience with financial abuse has certainly made me wiser and more cautious with the management of my financial affairs.

What Every Woman Needs To Know About Financial Abuse And Neglect

My experience with financial abuse has certainly made me wiser and more cautious with the management of my financial affairs.

Image credit: Abdial Ibarra via Unsplash

How Do You Ever Heal When Life Keeps Punching You In The Face?

Healing is hard work. It will be hard today, tomorrow, next week, next month, 3 years from now.

There is no gray area here. He has been abusing you, and it is time to leave.

Ask Erin: Should I Divorce My Husband?

She’s made all the mistakes, so you don’t have to… Ask Erin is a weekly advice column, in which Erin answers your burning questions about anything at all.
