The criticism of women’s magazines contains many shades of sexism. There’s the implication that to care about beauty is vain and a waste of time.
Read...Critique devastates me. I never want to do anything wrong. When I believe I have done something wrong, I tend to avoid the situation or people involved indefinitely. Run somewhere where I can try again. Start from scratch.
Read...There’s a saying that if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. But what happens when something or someone does change — especially if that person’s a woman?
Read...Recently, I was looking through some old pictures of myself.... Like every other person on this earth, I have my insecurities. As I was looking at these photos, I found myself picking out my faults, finding things that I would like to change, putting myself down for looking a certain way or not looking a certain way.
Read...The new movie gives us a strong-willed heroine with a backbone—if one not immediately apparent.
Read...Can a popular author also be celebrated for literary quality? Not if that author is a woman like Austen.