chronic illness

Chronic illness and fatness can interact in ways that exacerbate both the ableism and fatphobia we experience.

What Your Sick, Fat Friend Wants You To Know 

As a sick person, sometimes even well-meaning people say and do things that are frustrating. Here's what your sick fat friend wants you to know.

You might not understand but exercise is my way of controlling my chronic illness.

Exercise Is My Way Of Controlling My Chronic Illness

Exercise is empowering for me as a disabled person, which is why I persevere. Exercise is my way of controlling my chronic illness.

It’s taken me much longer to figure out how to simply eat in a way that feels right in my body, and to accept my body for what it is — broken, fat, and mine.

On Learning To Accept My Chronically Ill Body

My only regret is that I wasted nearly 40 years trying to bend my chronically ill body to an imaginary idea of perfection.


The Worst Side Effect Of Bipolar Disorder Is The Shame

I wasn’t thankful. I was too negative. I wasn’t doing enough. When I found out my mood swings weren't my fault, that I had bipolar disorder, I cried.

 There’s a reason I turn to Friends when I get depressed. Ok, I lied, there are several reasons.

I Turn To The TV Show Friends When I'm Depressed 

There’s a reason I turn to Friends when I get depressed. Ok, I lied, there are several reasons.


Samantha Irby Wants More Real-Life Fat Girls On TV

With two hugely successful books and a television show on the horizon with real fat girls on TV, it seemed like the perfect time to interview Samantha Irby.

If I don’t treat my depression as a real thing, how can I expect anyone else to?

On Chronic Mental Illness And Hospitalization 

Hospitalizations make me realize my own shortcomings when it comes to placing mental illness on the same plane as physical illness


What’s Not Said: A Love Letter From Your Friend, The Flake

Please know that us flakes usually are dealing with something more than being lazy or disinterested. Flakes are usually ashamed and angry at themselves for not being able to speak out or address things “properly,” so a little love can go a long way.
