Originally created in the throes of World War II, the Green Turtle is finally getting the backstory and racial identity previously denied him.
Read...The previous secrecy of the book, it’s searing allegations and the unclear police response makes the whole story ever-so-juicy.
Read...A newly passed bill makes it illegal to bust a woman for prostitution if she's carrying condoms. Yes, this was actually happening.
Read...Between 2006 and 2010, at least 150 female inmates were coerced into being sterilized without proper state approvals. The good news? A new bill—California's Prison Sterilization Prohibition bill—aims to close the necessary loopholes to protect inmates against future abuses...
Read...A proposed California bill is bringing new attention to the fate of performance orcas at SeaWorld
Read...Mmmm, don't you just LOVE the ocean? The sounds, the smell -- wonderful all around. But do you love the ocean enough to invite it to brunch?