I do not remember a time in my life when I was not a people-pleaser. I apologize often, and unnecessarily. I'm finally unlearning to people-please!
Read...Recently it seems like everyone I know is going through a gut-wrenching, soul-crushing, devastating breakup. Here's my breakup list to help us all!
Read...This isn’t Sleeping Beauty. There’s no prince coming to rescue you. What relationship beliefs are standing in your way?
Read...Being vulnerable enough to get into a relationship is a win — is it helpful to think of the experience we gain intimately relating to another as a failure?
Read...My vagina knew months before I did that we weren’t going to paddle off into the sunset together.
Read...And I’m not the only one using Tinder for a bit of self-confidence, either.
Read...“Seriously? You’re not going to be my friend over this?” And just like that, it was over. I had lost a friend who I had come to value greatly.
Read...The amount of emotional labor I had put into these pseudo-friendships was immediately swept away with one single mention of my own personal discomfort