The holidays are meant to be wonderful times spent with friends and family, but they can also be terrible times. Let's stop the family food-shaming!
Read...I'm leaving Facebook to save myself from the anguish of the 'tis the season shopping excursions and elaborate events that go hand-in-hand with the holidays.
Read...I soon realized that admiring everyone’s seemingly perfect life was making me spiral into a pit of holiday season depression and I couldn't climb out.
Read...I resent my family. My dad got seriously chronically ill, and everything changed. My siblings basically have done nothing to help.
Read...This isn’t an essay about how “woke” I am — instead, it’s a journey of reclamation and standing in my power, which started with my getting sober.
Read...Why do we have a hard time with boundaries? Many of us, especially women, were raised to be people-pleasers and caregivers.