
You can love your family tremendously and still have some serious issues with food-shaming that go decades deep.

3 Ways To Stop Family Food-Shaming From Ruining Your Holidays

The holidays are meant to be wonderful times spent with friends and family, but they can also be terrible times. Let's stop the family food-shaming!

I'm leaving Facebook to save myself from the anguish of my newsfeed during the holidays.

Why I'm Leaving Facebook During The Holidays

I'm leaving Facebook to save myself from the anguish of the 'tis the season shopping excursions and elaborate events that go hand-in-hand with the holidays.

Photo by Martin Courreges on Unsplash

How Social Media Made My Holiday Season Depression So Much Worse

I soon realized that admiring everyone’s seemingly perfect life was making me spiral into a pit of holiday season depression and I couldn't climb out.

Artwork: Tess Emily Rodriguez

Ask Erin: I Resent My Family

I resent my family. My dad got seriously chronically ill, and everything changed. My siblings basically have done nothing to help.

Photo by Sandra Seitamaa on Unsplash

Five Ways We Can Stand In Our Power

This isn’t an essay about how “woke” I am — instead, it’s a journey of reclamation and standing in my power, which started with my getting sober.

Artwork: Tess Emily Rodriguez

Ask Erin: How Can I Set Boundaries With My Online Friend?

Why do we have a hard time with boundaries? Many of us, especially women, were raised to be people-pleasers and caregivers.

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

8 Changes You Should Never Make For A Partner (And How To Know If You Are)

For example, when you start cutting friends out because of your partner, it's a sure-fire indicator that something isn't right here

Artwork: Tess Emily Rodriguez

Ask Erin: My Sister's Boyfriend Is Coming Between Us

That night, my sister's boyfriend sent me a text message saying “sweet dreams.”
