


Our mission is to improve the lives and workplace for women, through transparency.

Fairygodboss Articles

Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

The Monday Blues Are Real — Here’s How to Beat Them, According to a Doctor

Your Monday blues are likely worse if you are going through something you can’t control, like fertility treatment, a parent’s illness, or project deadlines.

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

12 Things To Do When It Feels Like Your Career Is Canceled

As businesses across the world shutter — with little idea as to whether or when they’ll be able to reopen — countless people are left feeling like their careers have been put on hold.  Read...
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Practicing Self Care Won't Keep Moms From Burning Out, So Stop Telling Them It Will

This article by AnnaMarie Houlis first appeared on Fairygodboss and has been republished with permission.

We're the first ones to tell you that we can all use some more self-care practices in our lives. 

Photo by Randy Rooibaatjie on Unsplash

The 4 Parenting Myths I Won’t Buy — From a Working Mom of 17 Years

This article first appeared on Fairygodboss and has been republished with permission.

After 17 years as a working mom, I see my biggest job as bringing up my two sons and making them responsible, ethical adults who contribute to the future of the world.

On a day-to-day basis, though, this mostly involves cooking for them, driving them around, cleaning up after them and always remembering how much I love them. I’m fortunate to have a great partner in crime in my husband, and he helps create an environment of gender neutrality at home; daddy cooking doesn’t signify a “special occasion,” for instance. Add to this an employer that empowers you, as well as management that values your contributions, and what you have is a team of indispensable allies for working moms like me who want to keep their sanity.

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

This is Why You Should Tell Your Annoying Coworker They're Annoying

This article by Una Dabiero first appeared on Fairygodboss and has been republished with permission. 

You spend hours with your colleagues at work — usually more time than you spend at home. And when you’re in such close quarters with people, you’re just bound to find a few of them annoying sooner or later. But when someone’s behavior is really bothering you (or even the people around you), is it really worth it to bring it up?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

7 Really Good Reasons To Let Your Child Fail, According to Psychology

Every child needs to know that they have an unlimited source of support in their parents, who will love and accept them no matter how badly they’ve failed. Read...
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

I’ve Homeschooled My Kids For 14 Years — Here Are 5 Things I’ve Learned

With so many schools across the country closed — and little reason to think they’ll be reopening anytime soon — parents today are forced to get creative about managing their children’s educations at home. Read...
Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

How I'm Setting Realistic Parenting Expectations In A Pinterest World

Pinterest makes doing every aspect of life perfectly look easy.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

How I Manage My Social Anxiety at Work — And 6 Ways You Can, Too

As I look around my office, I know that one in ten of my colleagues have social anxiety. But I still feel like it’s my secret problem.
