body positivity

Where are all the plus size models? WeIl, we found a couple... Image: thebigfashionguy Instagram.

The Unexpected New Male Models: They're Plus Size!

In the same way women benefit from seeing other women who actually look like them, so do men. Hardly any major clothing brands make plus-sized menswear and those that do barely advertise them.

Impostor syndrome is a dangerous thing because it masks itself as humility. Image: Thinkstock.

On Success And Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome is a disconnect in your mind between how everyone sees you and how you see yourself. It can be more dangerous than it seems.

Sensory deprivation provided me with a way to relate to my body that was rooted in acceptance. Image: Camila Cordeiro/Unsplash.

A Day At The Sensory Deprivation Spa Helped Me Accept My Body

[CN: body dysmorphia] Sensory deprivation provided me with a way to relate to my body that was rooted in acceptance: This is me, this is what I feel like, and this is all OK.

I’m terrified that my daughter will end up like me. Image: Thinkstock.

I Say I'm Recovered From My Eating Disorder, But I'm Living A Lie.

[CN: ED (binge eating), orthorexia]

According to the standards of the health and fitness industry, I was doing everything right. Image: Christopher Campbell/Unsplash.

When Your 'Healthy Lifestyle' Becomes A Disorder

[CN: eating disorders, thinspo] It’s easy to disguise disordered eating when it's become standard to mask a binge as a “cheat meal,” orthorexia as a “lifestyle,” and exercise addiction as “beast mode.”

The premise is pretty simple: We each give you one thing to watch, one thing to listen to, and one thing to read over the weekend.

Read/Watch/Listen To This: Dogs, Obviously

We have returned from our long (jk, two week) hiatus to deliver you the Internet you live and breathe for!

What if we acted like everything we want is totally normal, like we’re entitled to it...? Image: Alisa Anton/Unsplash

Take The Cake: We Made A Pact To Become Powerful Women

[CN: fatphobia] I tell her I have an idea. She loves my ideas, my schemes, our witchcraft. We talk about feeling crazy, because that’s what the culture does to women who really want something, anything...

Having to walk carefully to avoid wedgies? Not helping any of us be our best selves. Image: Thinkstock.

The Life-Changing Magic Of Buying The Correct Size

Size, like age and salary and whatever else, is just a number. Pretending numbers don’t measure things isn’t helpful. I’m 38 years old: That isn’t good or bad, but it IS different from being 18 or 50.
