body image

She IS beautiful.

Why Saying “You Look Gorgeous” Is Not Helping The Body Image War

As we move forward in this body image war that plagues so much of our country, how amazing would it be if we showed up to an event and someone told us that we are stunning, instead of how we look stunning?


Suggestions For Your Next "HOLY EFF THIS SUCKS SO HARD" Body Image Day

I'm pretty open about the fact that I often have "bad body days" (and even mentioned it in this article) because I never want you to assume that body activists have it all figured out/never feel the effects of our fucked up society. We do. And we do hard.


Let's Stop "Sympathizing" About One Another's Bodies

Women — and everyone, for that matter — I invite you to join me in a new game. Instead of stooping down to sympathize when someone strays from societal body ideals, and instead of bringing others down with us when we're struggling with body image ourselves, let's all lift one another up by declaring that there's nothing wrong with what we've just eaten, how we look in a bathing suit, or what size pants we’re wearing.

Body issues affect all of us.

How to Reassure Your Partner That They’re Hot When They Hate Their Body

I can already tell that you’re a good partner. The fact that you’re asking about this and reading this article proves that. So remind your partner that they’re a good partner, too — exactly what you need and want and love, body and all.


Navigating Breast Insecurities: Big, Small, Lopsided, They Are All Good.

". . . guess what! Despite, again, what the media tells you, breasts come in a huge variety of shapes! Most natural breasts are affected by gravity and seem to sag a little bit, rather than perking up like they might in a bra. Most nipples fall downward (so, ya know, potential babies can reach them), rather than face forward."


4 Actual Solutions You Can Try When You’re Having a Bad Body Image Day

"Just like sitting with your negative feelings, looking at the body that you’re unhappy with puts you in the position of being the boss of your situation. It’s a way of reminding the voices in your head that you are the one in charge here — and that the smallest shift in thought or intent can turn your whole day around."

Carrie and her son E

Measuring Worth: Why Weight Doesn’t {Really} Matter

Something powerful shifted for me when I turned 30. I decided to stop caring about my weight as a means to measure my success, beauty and worth as a woman. I gave myself permission to care for my body, and to care for the woman inside that body first.

Joni Edelman, photo credit Staci Sheets

Fat And Happy, 12 Ways To Make Peace With Your Body

How much time and energy could you save by loving yourself as you are, right now?
