body image
I already feel super visible because I’m a fat woman wearing neon most likely, which I’ll admit I’m kinda into. But add a dude to the equation and all of a sudden I feel like people’s eyeballs are a moon orbiting the planet on which our initial fumbling exchanges are taking place. High pressure.
Read...This week is baking week. No, not nationally or anything, but in my house, this week is the week all the things are made.
Read...I can't solve all of this in an article. Boy if I could, I sure as heck would. What I can say is: "You aren't alone."
Read...On Sunday night, I went on a Christmas tree hunting expedition.
Read...It’s a trend in the photography business, along with bestie shoots and cake smash pics: boudoir photos.
Read...Like so many women, I never know what I’ll see in the mirror. Sometimes I catch sight of myself in a window and cringe, appalled at my own body.