While it is true that binge-drinking among moms is reaching epidemic levels, it is not the act of mom-ing that got us there.
Read...Alcohol was the antidepressant I felt I always wanted. There was no need to step back, breathe, count to ten, or do any other self-soothing techniques.
Read...Smoking weed helped me get through my divorce. The weed was the ripcord that turned my free-fall into a parachute glide for an hour or two.
Read...Friends, I would like to announce that we have reached Peak Fall. How do I know this? Because I have discovered that there is pumpkin spice flavored vodka.
Read...It’s time to get clear on why alcohol is not a cultural cliché or gimmick we should get behind. Really, it only distracts us from solving the social problems we face. We need to reject it.
Read...Three young women in Florida have created a tool for detecting drugs in liquids — the Smart Straw — and they are winning well-deserved attention and awards for their work.
Read...We’re living in a time where parents must do the impossible dance of humanizing the world to their children, while at the same time shielding them from the potential of other humans to cause harm.
Read...We’re living in a time where parents must do the impossible dance of humanizing the world to their children, while at the same time shielding them from the potential of other humans to cause harm.