Sex + Love

Catherine and Stephen (top left) with their fellow cousins

Remembering Stephen: Love, Loss, And AIDS

What Stephen didn’t know –– what no one knew –– was how weak my knees grew when I pushed through the swinging doors of the ICU.


I Was A Bridesmaid In My Ex-Girlfriend's Wedding

Yep. It's as weird as it sounds.


4 Words That Hurt Your Relationship

The phrase “I need my space” is certainly better than blowing up or giving the silent treatment. But is saying that doing your relationship a favor at that moment? What do we learn when we walk away?


Inside The Wacky Mind Of A 50-Something Cougar

Women who are nuns do not have intimacy with the opposite sex. Some people never get any. But for me, that was the deal killer. It is like eating potato chips; you can never have just one. Besides, I don't like to watch the news by myself.


5 Traits Of A Lasting Marriage

Marriage is tough work. If you have been married any length of time, you will completely understand this statement. One thing I have learned in nearly fifteen years of marriage is this: forgiveness and communication are the lifeblood of your relationship.


SCOTUS Finally Declares Gay Love (And My Humanity) "Equal" To Yours

Today, my life reached a celebratory summit. I'm no longer considered a freak of nature in need of caging and thus, treated as a boil on society.


Sleep Training Our Son Almost Destroyed Our Marriage

I'm nervous about going down this torturous road again. Still, I figure that when we have our next child, we can soundproof the baby's room before birth.


The Truth About Marriage in 2015

I love weddings! This goes without saying since I’m a bridal expert and founder of the bridal inspiration site, The Anti Bridezilla. And, I’m also married. But as much as I love weddings, and fully support marriage equality, I’m also the first to say that the concept of marriage today versus the past has changed drastically.
