Rick Clemons

Rick Clemons


After hiding in my own closet for 38 years, I faced my fears, left my marriage of 13 years, risked losing my relationship with my daughters, stepped into my truth, and began living as a gay man without regrets or shame. Today, I am living with fewer regrets and a whole lot less shame, have a wonderful relationship with my ex-wife, I've created a life where I work around my kids schedules so I can be an active part of their lives, and take what I've learned to help others thrive in their own lives, their way, as they see fit, not based solely on what others expect from them. I don't define myself by my sexual orientation. In fact it's only one small aspect of me. I choose to tap into my blended masculine and feminine energy, to help men and women, gay or straight, young or old, embrace their power, essence, and unique gifts, live with  passion and purpose.

Rick Clemons Articles

SCOTUS Finally Declares Gay Love (And My Humanity) "Equal" To Yours

Today, my life reached a celebratory summit. I'm no longer considered a freak of nature in need of caging and thus, treated as a boil on society.
