Sex + Love
I have slept with seven men: five bona fide boyfriends, one guy I was seeing for a time, and one one-night stand. According to Slate’s sex history calculator, which is based on data in the General Social Survey from 2006-2014, I have slept with more people than 53% of my female peers, which I think gives me an edge comparing the sexual performances of men.
Read...At some point in my teen years, I developed an unfathomable fear of being alone. Despite the warmth provided by my loving family and countless friends, I wanted to have some boy in my life. If I didn’t have a boyfriend, I had some back-burner type boy.
Read...Dating is always weird. This is true regardless of gender or orientation.
Read...My husband and I have been married for just over 30 years. We joke that we have been happy for most of them.
Read......for two years of my adult life, I didn’t date — at all. On purpose.
Read...Once upon a time, Sami Jankins decided that she wanted Mr. Real instead of Prince Charming.
Read...Many of you have asked for a companion article that offers some advice for those who love an ACoA (Adult Child of an Alcoholic). So here I am, humbly.
Read...In a recent attempt at brutal self-examination, I opened my Apple Music account to see how many artists were recommended to me by men I’ve dated or slept with. There were well over 60, (making up the majority of what I listen to regularly).