Sami Jankins

Sami Jankins


Sami Jankins is a MFA student in Screenwriting at UC-Riverside at Palm Desert. She is a contributor to The Good Men Project, and currently writes a blog called Chronicles of Cheerful Clotter for HemAware Magazine, where she details her life with chronic health conditions. Sami is also an associate producer for the documentary Invisible: The Film, which focuses on individuals living with chronic pain and invisible illness. She has served on the Board of Directors for the National Hemophilia Foundation, spent time as a Senatorial intern, and was Miss Wisconsin for the ANTSO program. In addition, she has had articles published in I.G. Living Magazine and Elephant Journal. Her interests include podcasting, ukuleles and sloths. 

Sami Jankins Articles

The Pain Doesn't End When You Leave The Hospital

Once someone is out of the hospital that doesn't make them instantly well, it just makes them stable enough to go home.

I don't want the fairy tale.

Why I Don’t Want A Fairy Tale Romance

Once upon a time, Sami Jankins decided that she wanted Mr. Real instead of Prince Charming.


To Those Who Are Struggling

To those who may be a little lost right now… life is surprising and confusing. I don’t know what it is you are going through that may have thrown your planned path off course. Maybe you have lost a loved one. Maybe your health was stable, only to have taken a shocking turn into the land of chronic illness and doctor appointments.


The Reality Of Chronic Pain Is Different From The Movies

We are all one bad fall, one car accident, one bodily breakdown from living within a place that is largely unimaginable to those who aren't there.


The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly: My Struggle With Steroids

I'm proud of my naturally curvaceous shape, but when your body is out of your control, it's nearly impossible to maintain that pride.


It's Not Me, It's You

Dating can be messy. A lot can go wrong when two imperfect strangers meet. They may not get along. What you have on your hands is an impending break up. Is there a proper way to go about this?


Dear Cowardly Ex: Breaking Up With Me Via Form Letter Is Real Classy!

After running a mental postmortem on why the guy I was dating ended things, I discovered he used a form letter from an Internet site to break up with me! And this was my response . . .
