Sex + Love
"...gayness was everywhere in music and theater. I couldn’t escape it. I resisted, I resisted it hard but still they pulled me in and drew me, seducing me with their rainbows and show tunes."
Read..."There are more than three stops on the sexual orientation train (thanks to Melissa Fabulous Fabello for that one!). We typically think: Staight, gay, bi." Nope.
Read..."No one chooses to be gay, nor can someone be "turned" gay due to outside forces or influences."
Read..." Sure enough, the doorbell rang one early June day and there she was: curvy, seductive body, smooth black skin, bright blue eyes."
Read...First of all, because I'm traveling alone and have, what I imagine, quite an obvious American accent, men do not hesitate to engage me in conversation.
Read...Truthfully, the idea that the right guy and his penis will make us want to be with a guy is part of the "men in lesbian fantasyland" phenomenon, and it just isn't happening.
Read...An open marriage certainly has its challenges, but finding personal time outside of being a parent is actually one of the great rewards. My husband and I have been polyamorous since we met, and I actually introduced him to the woman, he is currently dating. When our baby was born, she offered to babysit, so we could continue having our traditional date nights.
Read...The Mom Butt is a little wider, a little flatter and a little longer than the butts on the totally dedicated and amazing women on Pinterest (mad props to them, seriously).