1. #RavsWriter Name - Alexandra Patricia Tozzi, and I go by Sasha. (It's the Russian nickname for Alexandra. It's a unisex nickname, too!)
Welcome to #RavsWriters, an opportunity for you to get to know some of the outstanding human beings who fervently type to make Ravishly the awesome place it is.
1. Name
Alexandra Patricia Tozzi, and I go by Sasha. (It's the Russian nickname for Alexandra. It's a unisex nickname, too!)
2. Tell us about your family, or your cats, or your elaborate paper napkin collection.
I grew up as the fourth of six kids, and there's only one boy in the mix. We're Italian so it was very loud — lots of hand-gesturing and talking over each other, as well as deep love.
3. When did you start writing? Why?
I started writing in middle school and took my "Dear Diary" thoughts very seriously as I typed them up on the computer. It was my safe haven and secret world through high school. It was only some years ago, maybe four, that I landed a few writing gigs and then started sharing my writing with anyone else. After that, I sent submissions in to various online publications and then started my own blog. Now, I'm in the early stages of compiling a book.
4. What do you like to do when you're not doing the thing you have to do?
5. What music do you love? (Barry Manilow is an acceptable answer.)
I would have to say everything except country. Country is the bane of my existence. I mainly listen to my personalized Discover Weekly on Spotify — it's a lot of indie alternative artists.
6. Favorite pizza topping.
7. Favorite donut.
I literally can't remember the last donut I had, but in my mind's eye, I am thinking about a chocolate glaze. Chocoholic, here.
8. Last book you read.
9. What's your sign?
Leo — and it's pretty accurate. I've done my whole birth chart and I have a lot of water too — Cancer and Pisces. Astrology is super fascinating to me. I always like to know what sign people are.