Virgie Tovar = Babe
Welcome to #RavsWriters, an opportunity for you to get to know some of the outstanding human beings who fervently type to make Ravishly the awesome place it is.
1. Who are you?
Virgie Tovar.
2. Tell us about your family, or your cats, or your elaborate paper napkin collection.
I do have a growing vintage salt & pepper shaker collection. I have aspirations of becoming Martha Stewart’s intern, and dream of her debasing me into becoming the best crafting version of myself. I watch Bob’s Burgers, like, every day. I live in San Francisco near the beach. I have a breakfast nook.
3. When did you start writing? Why?
I’ve always loved writing. English was my favorite subject growing up, and I’ve always felt drawn to words. I think I started writing because I love being the author of the story.
4. What do you like to do when you're not doing the thing you have to do?
Eat fine French and Italian pastries, wear bright pink lipstick, drink ridiculously potent light roast coffee, travel to new and strange places, say curse words, ruin a man’s day, wear tiny shorts, get pedicures, sport enormous necklaces, see how much cheetah print I can fit into one outfit, pet chihuahuas, drink mimosas, and wear huge sunglasses.
5. What music do you love? (Barry Manilow is an acceptable answer.)
OMG my dream is to have a music machine that senses when I wake up every morning and gently begins to play Chaka Khan increasingly louder until I am totally awake and ready for my Through the Fire French Press. I love Motown, soul, neo-soul, bluegrass, and anything by Dolly Parton or Stevie Nicks.
6. Favorite pizza topping?
Anything that bleeds out a lot of grease.
7. Favorite donut?
The Banana Kill at Donut Friend in LA — creamy peanut butter, sliced bananas and honey between a yeast donut cut in half, topped with powdered sugar. Followed closely by the panda donut at California Donuts also in LA — it has a sweetened condensed milk frosting and a panda face with half oreos for ears!
8. Last book you read?
Eggnog Murder by Leslie Meier (OMG culinary mystery is my favorite genre).
9. What's your sign?
10. One word to describe you?