Sasha Tozzi


Sasha is a writer and lifestyle & recovery coach who helps people break their addictive and self-sabotaging behavior patterns and return to joy in their lives. She is a lover, a lioness, and a believer in magic & miracles. Her virtual home is over at 

Sasha Tozzi Articles

"Connection is healing the world. Because happy, connected people have no reason to act out and be nasty to others."

I'll Show You Mine If You'll Show Me Yours: Vulnerability

When we have an open heart, we experience true joy, love, and intimate connection. So being afraid of vulnerability is really being afraid of intimacy. But we need both to thrive.

Go from surviving to thriving. You got this. (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

4 Types Of Negative Self-Talk That Are Holding You Back From Your Best Life

I am stronger than my struggle and I am worth the work it takes. I’ve survived every hard day of my life so far, and I will survive more. The chasm between surviving and thriving is faith.

Self-care is vital to establishing a sense of oneself, and creating boundaries from there. (Image Credit: Unsplash/Pavel Badrtvinov)

5 Ways To Stop Being So Codependent

In simplest terms, codependency is a relationship pattern of losing ourselves in another person and has been called the “disease of the lost self.”

Make sure a yes to someone else is not a no to yourself.

5 Ways To Be A Badass And Run Your Life 

Sasha Tozzi gives us her tips on what keeps her feeling grounded and like the badass she is.

1. #RavsWriter Name - Alexandra Patricia Tozzi, and I go by Sasha. (It's the Russian nickname for Alexandra. It's a unisex nickname, too!)

#RavsWriters: Sasha Tozzi - Leo, Yogi Tea Lover, Country Music Non-Fan

Welcome to #RavsWriters, an opportunity for you to get to know some of the outstanding human beings who fervently type to make Ravishly the awesome place it is.
