
For the Depressive Nihilist in All of Us: Werner Herzog on the "Overwhelming" Misery of the Jungle

While we all know Herzog is a notorious dark horse — one only has to glance at his filmography (


It's Not Thursday, But We're Throwing it Back: Behold! The Giver Movie Trailer Revealed!

Throwback to your 8th grade reading list—in the awesomest way possible


Film Nerds Rejoice! Inside the Mind of Wes Anderson

A new video reveals the filming obsession of a brilliant director.


Listful Thinking: 3 Craziest Bad-Ass Celeb Kid Names

Bear Blaze, meet Sage Moonblood and Moxie Crimefighter. Now please join forces to save the world.


Weird+Wonderful+WTF: Creepy Giant Cat Sells Gum! Twitter Rages Against Jenny McCarthy! Beer Infographic!

#ohsnap: Twitter Attacks Jenny McCarthy for Anti-Vaccination Nonsense


Creepers Abound! 3 Ways to Prevent "Sextortion"

The latest trend in online perviness is all kinds of gross. Luckily, there are ways to fight against it.


Hear This: Epic 1970s Show—Miles Davis at the Fillmore—Re-Released with New Tracks!

Miles Davis' never before heard music is set to hits the stands on March 25. Gird your jazz-juiced loins!


New Peter Pan Movie "Racebends" Princess Tiger Lily, Casts Caucasian Poster-child Rooney Mara

Last we checked, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was not Native American.
