The Mom Butt is a little wider, a little flatter and a little longer than the butts on the totally dedicated and amazing women on Pinterest (mad props to them, seriously).
Read...If you watch TV and movies hoping to be emotionally moved or intellectually challenged, you know that means you’ll some
Read...Practically speaking, if you want to try a fashion trend that you’re not initially comfortable with, approach it the same way you would an awkward convo with your mom or a spontaneous skinny dip in a freezing lake: ease in.
Read...Hipster is the new Yuppie. If you don’t know what a yuppie is, let’s just say it’s the hipster equivalent of the 80s.
Read...The santero sent us off with a shopping list of ite
Read...When sexual-assault-prevention discourse is at the forefront, it is still done in ways that lack nuance and not necessarily supports survivors.
Read...What I am not saying: "I am now going to take this opportunity to rub in your face what an inadequate parent you are for not sacrificing your entire life to homeschool your children, who you obviously don't love."
Read...Yet, there is life beyond just t-shirt and jeans. There is more to an ensemble than denim and scarves.