
Drag isn't one-size-fits-all femininity. (image credit: Thinkstock)

What A Drag Queen Thinks About Female Beauty Standards

Being a Drag Queen isn't one-size-fits-all femininity. Not all real life women are glamorous and fabulous at all times, nor should we feel we have to be.

Please stop approaching women at gas stations!

Dear Men: Please Stop Approaching Women At Gas Stations

Whether they realize it or not, men’s entitlement by approaching women to comment on their bodies in public spaces is a perpetuation of rape culture.

Google, Facebook, and Microsoft basically Silicon Valley committed what must be an unforgivable act of corporate greed —defending a website selling underage sex.

Silicon Valley Defended A Website Selling Underage Sex

Silicon Valley companies defending sex trafficking has made me question if good people — or even baseline-human people — actually exist anymore.

Chadai C as Audrey Horne.

Halloween Inspiration From Twin Peaks Cosplayers Of Color

With summer firmly in the rearview mirror and autumn’s pumpkins spicing up our beverages and wardrobe tones, it’s finally every grown-up kid’s favo

So I guess what I’m doing here isn’t so much fessing up to not living my best life, but asking a question: Is it possible to be living your best life, even if you’re exhausted?

Dear Oprah: I Confess I Have Not Been 'Living My Best Life'

I suppose it seems that “my best life” is one where I have time and financial dollars to foster sick baby goats back to health, while also homeschooling all my kiddos, with ample hours left for one-on-one muscle toning and stretching sessions, and perhaps a quilting circle with close friends too…

Up your followers past a certain number, and endorsement deals might suddenly seem a whole lot more lucrative than that old proletariat pastime of "love." (Image Credit: Instagram/@tristasutter)

I Miss When The Bachelor Franchise At Least Pretended To Take Itself Seriously

The blatant promise of a career in the spotlight has stripped the Bachelor/Bachelorette of its beautiful, benign lie: that we could watch “regular” people navigate the perils and pitfalls of modern dating, that such a quest was in and of itself enough, and that a happy ending was a real possibility.

Let’s take a moment and soak this in: women make up half the population and only 1/13th of the Doctors from Doctor Who, and there are actually men out there deluded enough to claim that this is unfair to men. (Image Credit: Instagram/nymag)

The Misogyny Of 'Dr. Who' Fans - Dudebros Are NOT HAPPY With A Female Lead

Ms. Whitaker is a white woman, so obviously 'Dr. Who' is still desperately behind and lacking in their Doctor diversity. But the show has finally introduced a woman as the main character and men (and a few women, because internalized oppression is a thing) are flipping out.

Bullet journaling all about what works for you. It shouldn’t feel burdensome.

Bullet Journaling For Basic People With Lots Of Thoughts

The trick to successful bullet journaling, in my mind, is to avoid getting caught up in the fanciness of it! Of course, you can make your bullet journal as complex or minimalist as you want, but I’d recommend starting slow. Allow your bullet journaling practice to morph to your needs.
