

I Want To Leave My Kid, And That's OK

I said it. The thing moms are never ever supposed to say. I NEED MORE.

Self-help: Not always hokey!

5 Self-Help Books That Are Actually Helpful

Many books in the self-help genre are either hokey or just plain scams. However, thanks to my perseverance and voracious reading, I've discovered there are self-help books out there that can transform your life and thinking in powerful ways and I’ve rounded up a list of my 5 all-time faves.

Sometimes it's right where you left it.

After Separation: How I Stumbled Upon The Courage To Love Again

Undoing a marriage costs five times as much as it does to tie one up with a bow, and the paperwork is even longer. I've cried so hard I've thrown up my dinner in a municipal lot, exhausted myself with memories to the point where 7 p.m. seems like reasonable bedtime, and contemplated spending my wedding anniversary alternating between taking a pair of scissors or a lighter to my wedding dress.


8 Things You Should Never Say To The One You Love

The dictionary defines love as: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. So if you want your loved one to feel loved it is about two things; what you do and what you say.

Get over it, everyone.

I’m Fat, My Husband Isn’t. We Still Have Sex. A Lot.

My husband and I are absolutely, madly in love. Yes. We have sex. We have it a lot. It is good. I am bigger than him but that doesn't matter.

Don't forget you.

7 Tips For Self-Care And Falling In Love With You 

Have you ever looked in the mirror and not felt good enough? Sometimes we give up dreams, hopes and love out of fear, negative self talk and pain. We rob ourselves of the only thing that no one else can truly give us: love.

Let's talk about trigger warnings.

Trigger Warnings: The Good, The Bad, The Pancakes

The origin and implementation of the trigger warning is new-ish, showing up on the tumblr scene regularly around 2007. Born out of feminist blogging, the trigger warning was ostensibly put into practice to protect those who may find a specific topic to be “triggering” — most commonly sexual/physical abuse and/or eating disorders. I deeply respect the people whose experiences may warrant a trigger warning (including myself), and yet, I question the effectiveness of the practice.

Would Jesus limit healthcare access to women in the world? I don't think so!

Jesus Vs. Satan: My Journey From Abstinence Club President To Planned Parenthood Frequent Flier

Once I was a good Christian woman. I was president of the abstinence club; now I support Planned Parenthood. How did I go from an evangelical Christian upbringing to this total change of heart? Do I want to make Jesus cry? What happened to me!?!
