...self-care is a process. Ideally, you treat yourself with kindness daily, engaging in acts of self care that function as either a reminder to relax in the midst of everyday stresses, part of a life saving regimen to sustain your mental well being, or a little bit of both.
Read...When I say that I’m a queer trans guy, people love to let me know whether or not they think I "look" like a woman or a man. Fun fact: I don’t give a f#ck.
Read...Pretending you’re OK when you're not is lying — lying to yourself. And it will keep you not OK.
Read...84% of full professors in America are White. In case you were unsure, that does not match the overall makeup of the country or the student body.
Read...Black women were branded as sexually promiscuous and immoral, which in turn was used as justification for sexual trauma/rape.
Read...If 93% of the Academy is White, but as of 2014, only 62% of Americans were White, and art is supposed to imitate life...