
Chaunette Lumpkins: Event Planner, Bay Area Adventurer

Spotted on: Her way to work in Oakland, CA


Newsflash: Not Every Dark Girl Has a Complex About Her Skin

The idea of "fairest of them all" impacts women of color in many different ways.


I'm a Woman Who Was Violent Against a Man. Here's Why I Will Never Let it Happen Again.

I deserve to be held accountable for the time I lost control and turned my partner into my victim.


There Goes the Neighborhood: New Study Shows Major Animal Testing Flaw Based on Gender

Turns out mice react differently to male and female handlers. At least women come out on top this time!


Offensive "Study" on Wide-Hipped Women is Dubious, Misogynistic

Some English bastards from the University of Leeds are spouting some "science" bullshit about wide-hipped being more promiscuous than their lithe lady counterparts. Why? Because they're more suitable for child-bearing!


"Swirling" vs. Same Race Relationships — Will We Ever Reach a Post-Race America?

Even in today's progressive era, why do so many people prefer same race relationships...and should it even matter?


Beauty's In the Eye of the Beholder (And Other American Myths)

As Americans we have fallen prey to a particular "look" —namely white and thin—and suffer from an inability to shatter it. The result? A backhanded compliment of the hybrid variety: “You’re pretty . . . for a black girl.”


This Week in Hillary-World: The Great Shoe Debacle...And Other News of Actual Importance

Hillary made a key announcement and spoke women's issues this week. But who cares? Someone threw a shoe at her!
