Virgie Tovar
The double standard of the soda tax is glaringly absurd, but grounded in a long history of selective regulation and bigoted attitudes.
Read...I have met many people who can't say no. We all benefit when we speak clearly and frequently about what we need in order to thrive.
Read...Would you date a fat fetishist? It always feels complicated to answer this question, but I promise an honest one by the end of part two.
Read...My boundaries around how people can talk to me about my body are very clear. I’d like to share with you four body boundary tips for a better holiday.
Read...Fatphobia morphs into a conversation about looks because fatphobia targets women. The bigotry is masked through this gendered decoy.
Read...You deserve someone who loves your body, who makes you feel safe, who makes you feel sexy. Never date someone who doesn’t love your belly!
Read...A cake related fatphobic incident is that moment when it's time to eat cake, and an otherwise joyous experience gets ruined by a moralizing impulse.
Read...Fat people, we do not have to acquiesce to our culture's normalization of hierarchy. We do not have to turn the other cheek. Joy does not come at the expense of your dignity, of your humanity.