Is your relationship with your vagina complicated by past trauma or unmet expectations? (yep.) It might be time for a course called Viva la Vagina!
Read...Some ideas seem like a good time in the moment, but when it comes to sexual health, Rule Number One: If it's not made for the vagina, it's gotta stay out.
Read...I invited my husband to give me a g-spot orgasm. Let’s just say, he found it. I never asked him to even look before taking this class.
Read...When talking about sex with our daughters, please remember that way boys and girls experience sex, both socially and actually, is often vastly different.
Read...I had never heard of Steamy Chick let alone vaginal steaming but months later, I’m an at-home v-steamer, and I love it! Yes, I love vaginal steaming!
Read...Charlotte’s vagina is depressed and brought some much needed attention to a serious health condition that affects roughly 16 percent of women.
Read...As the saying goes, you are what you eat — meaning, what we put into our bodies affects our overall health. Here are 5 foods that are good for your vagina.
Read...Many criticize Geordie Shore as entertainment in its lowest form: fights, drinking, people falling over, nudity, swearing, and “bucking” (sexual intercourse). Yet, to me, it is so much more than that. As a fully qualified human woman, I can’t help myself analyzing the show through feminist-tinted glasses. The decisions and attitudes of the “family” represent, to me, a new kind of feminism.