As a journalist and outspoken feminist, I always knew the risks of being online. I’ve read stories of extreme harassment and doxing, such as when a troll pretended to be writer Lindy West's deceased father or when game developer Brianna Wu received death threats and had to flee her home.
Read...The 2016 election has, for a while now, felt eerily akin to 1984 (lots ‘o doublespeak coming out of Trump and his supporters). Or The Hunger Games, to take a more recent example of dystopian genre fiction. Wherein, government becomes solely about politics and the media spectacle, rather than actual policies and ideas.
Read...There’s more backstory to all of this, I’m certain, but I’m a 42 year old white lady who listens to show tunes on the treadmill, so hip hop beefs are a little over my head.
Read...Harry, Ron, and Hermione are some of my closest childhood friends. It’s hard to know that my life will never be as closely linked with theirs as it was when I was a kid. It’s hard to see the things we love end, and to know that they bring the end of other things with them.
Read...n Arizona they want to know, why I like hockey instead of football. I've gotten reactions to pieces I've written from fans in Canada telling me that 'maybe if I was from a hockey town, I would understand things better' - forget the fact that I've been on skates since I was three and came home from the hospital in a snowsuit - and I've been told to 'watch the game' more times than I can count.