
People all around the world in over 600 cities stood up, many for the first time, ready to be heard. (Image: Bryn Huntpalmer)

The Women’s March On Washington: White Women, It's Time To Walk The Walk

When I saw the plans for the Women's March on Washington, I immediately made plans to attend the local march in my hometown of Austin; but after a few flight checks and discussing logistics with my husband (we have two young kids), I decided to go to D.C. I texted a few of my girlfriends and one of them got on board as well. I finally had something to look forward to, a tiny glimmer of joy after the awful reality we were handed on November 8th.

Photo via Twitter (@MartinBelam)

Women’s Healthcare Under Attack… Again

It looked a lot like the photo in 2012. The one of the panel of white men testifying on the Affordable Care Act regulations calling for health coverage of contraception. It prompted New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney to ask indignantly, “Where are the women?”

image credit: Winona Dimeo-Ediger

Inaugural Make-Up Tutorial: Get On Your Gorgeous Game-Face

As we prepare to take to the streets to protest the inauguration of a racist, sexist, xenophobic demagogue, we need to LOOK GOOD doing it.

Must see TV! (LOLSOB)

10 Must-See TV Shows In The Trump Era

A humorous look at what we can expect on the small screen during the Trump Era.

People with disabilities are one of the largest minority groups and one that gets easily overlooked

Why Trump’s Inauguration Is Personal For Some People With Disabilities

To the man taking the wheel in this country: as a person with a disability, I feel like I’m nothing and THAT terrifies me.

What we cannot afford to do is spread more hate, especially among our own people.

I Won’t Resent The Latinx Folks Who Voted For Trump

In the weeks since Election Day, I’ve come to realize that while I’m entitled to my feelings, resenting the Latinx folks who voted for Trump is not a productive use of my time.

What the heck, 2016?

6 Feminist Moments Of 2016 To Remind You Everything Isn't Garbage

Even setting aside the dystopian hellscape that American national politics have become, it’s been a tough year across the board. That being said, 2016 wasn’t actually the worst year in history. Some things were disastrous, of course, but focusing on the negatives doesn’t do any good. At the risk of sounding cliché, if 2017 is going to be any better, we can’t lose hope.

Perhaps I say this to benefit you, as much as I’m saying it because I need to hear it myself: the time for mourning has long passed.

Stand Up And Fight (After You Feed The Kids)

The tumult that’s been rippling through our country has me begging the question: what do we do when we feel the defeat of a woman and the rise of a monster bearing down on us?
