Skin care
During such trying times, there is one trusty frenemy whose shadowy presence always sneaks back into my life. Benzoyl peroxide, I wish I knew how to quit you.
Read...Wait a sec, is consuming dairy good or bad for you? Do you cut it out when you want to get healthy, or add more in?
Read...Welcome To #RavsRecs, a look inside the lives (and minds) of your Ravishly staffers. Every week we’ll be coming to you with a list of things that are probably useless but definitely awesome. This week, your favorite advice-giver, Erin, shares how she plans to while away those January hours.
Read...Inside everyone is a little bit of a Francophile, right? French things are just good and that’s that.
Read...Steroids are powerhouses when it comes to combating a range of medical issues, but the physical changes can be extreme. Steroids change your face.
Read...Lorde is fighting back against ridiculous Photoshopping and the pursuit of physical perfection, a self-loathing national pastime that fuels a multi-billion dollar industry.
Read...While some of us love a good whiff of eau de armpit au naturale, most of us shy away from our body's potent – and sometimes nose-singeing – stench.