
Ask Momma Bare

Ask Momma Bare: I Want ALL The Sex. He Wants None. HELP.

This is about The Sex. I will be discussing vaginas, penises, vibrators, other adult-y things. You have been warned.


Sexual Violence In The Media

If you watch TV and movies hoping to be emotionally moved or intellectually challenged, you know that means you’ll some

Me, 2013

Why Do I Date So Much, Anyway?

Sometimes, the catastrophic pain and miraculous triumphs that come with relationships are worth simply knowing a person.


Tracy Hammond: Author, Alpha Male Wrangler

Who says feminists don't love alpha males and cooking?

facial hair

7 Things They Don't Tell You About A Hysterectomy

Without sufficient estrogen in your body, you begin growing a crop of course hair on your chin. If you are as lucky as I am, they are PITCH BLACK!


5 Things Friday: Parenting Pitfalls

Becoming a parent is a blessed and sacred event. Never has there been a more life altering experience. No, seriously.


Ask Momma Bare: Is My 15-year-old Having Sex? What Do I DO?

Your kid is gonna do some dumb stuff. Accept it.


A Simple Way to Prevent Vaginal and Urinary Tract Infections

When I was first married, I found myself constantly suffering from painful and awful vaginal and urinary tract infections. The doctor prescribed the same regimen of antibiotics for each type of infection. I’d heartily suffer through the weeklong course of medication, awaiting my pain and itch-free days to come, as the antibiotics worked their magic.
