Because survivors aren’t masked superheroes: They’re humans.
Read...Thirty years or three hours — time has no meaning when the power to decide has been taken from you. I believe you Dr. Blasey Ford and I believe all of us.
Read...Without the destigmatization that occurs when an illness is deemed legitimate, America loses more lives to suicide. Without legislation that protects its constituents, America loses more lives to suicide. The common denominator here is loss, and unfortunately that loss will grow exponentially if the United States fails to see the suicide epidemic for what it is.
Read...Buckle up folks, the Senate Democrats just announced they have enough members opposing confirmation of
Read...Republicans have successfully filibustered a proposal to raise the minimum wage. Senator Michael Bennett is here to tell us how damaging this will be to criminally low-paid Americans.
Read...Tea Party darling Matt Bevin has learned the hard way that it's not always best to cater to your state's lowest common denominator. Mitch McConnell for the win?
Read...Broad bipartisanship in congress seems like a thing of yesteryear.