
Mondays With Matt: Matt Wrote A Self-Love Song! (It's Adorable!)

This is literally the cutest, happiest thing you will see all day.

Mark wasn’t religious, but he wore a St. Francis amulet around his neck, a gift from his father. Nights when he didn’t come home, I prayed to St. Francis, too.

Becoming Bride: St. Francis, Patron Saint Of Drunks

Mark prayed to Saint Francis, a patron saint of drunks and (according to Mark) lost causes. Mark wasn’t religious, but he wore a St. Francis amulet around his neck, a gift from his father. Nights when he didn’t come home, I prayed to St. Francis, too.

You shouldn’t pursue self-love and better self-esteem because you want to feel worthy of being loved someday — you should pursue self-love because you deserve to love yourself. Image: Drew Coffman/Unsplash.

'Nobody Can Love You Until You Love Yourself' Is Bullsh*t

There is a danger in the rise of affirmations and other empowering online content. Some types of affirmations aim to inspire a sense of independence, but in reality only invalidate the struggles of the person who reads them.

There are so many (too many?) options when it comes to fulfilling different needs and desires in the bedroom. Image: Chelsea Yarger/Pixabay.

Don't Let Different Sex Drives Kill Your Relationship

One of you wants more sex, and the other probably hasn’t realized there was a problem. They’re not interested in more sex, or maybe they’re not interested in sex in general. But it’s a conversation that needs to happen.


Mondays With Matt: You're Incredible, No Matter What Changes You

This week Matt reminds us how amazing we are.

Me, pre-child, unhappy, probably on drugs. Image: Erin Khar.

7 Important Lessons I Learned From Being A Parent

My son is, without a doubt, the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. He’s also taught me invaluable lessons about myself that I could have never anticipated.

I take this journey of self-love and discovery one day at a time. Image: Thinkstock.

On Navigating My Attraction To Whiteness As A Black Woman

Honoring my feelings and being true to myself are just as important to me as being critical of the ways that a multiply-oppressive society manifests itself in the way I date, love, and desire.

Take yourself on a date. Image: Thinkstock.

5 Things To Do When You Feel Bad About Being Single

You aren’t half of something waiting to be made whole — you’re a complete human being with your own important thoughts and ideas, looking for someone to add to your life. You're neither incomplete nor missing out on anything just because you’re single.
