Science is Sweet

#WCW and the Original Girl Crush (No, You're Probably Not a Secret Lesbian)

Today's Wednesday(!) and it's likely that your Instagram feed is full of beautiful women accompanied by the hashtag #WCW (or #womancrushwednesday). Let's head over to the science dept. to learn about the glory of the gromance shall we?


Watermelon! Good for Tastebuds, Great For Penises!

What better way to stave off summer's oppressive rays—and add oomph to your sex life—than by indulging in a juicy watermelon?


Textual Tension: Is it Fair to Judge the Way Someone Texts?

The latest exploration in nitpicky love was featured on YourTango today when the staff prompted an array of women in their 20s to lament about their biggest texting deal breakers. We all have our weird ticks, but is nixing a second date based on how they text OK?


Lab-grown Vaginas Transform Lives

Sweet sister science, you did us proud today! Both trans and MRKH-saddled women rejoice for a breakthrough surgery set to cure a range of vaginal issues.


Gross, but Cool: Your Race Determines What Your Earwax Smells Like

All people may be created equal, but our earwax is not.


Science is Sweet: Tiny T-Rex Was Envy of the Arctic

Think T. Rex lived in hot climates only? Think again.
