
Textual Tension: Is it Fair to Judge the Way Someone Texts?

The latest exploration in nitpicky love was featured on YourTango today when the staff prompted an array of women in their 20s to lament about their biggest texting deal breakers. We all have our weird ticks, but is nixing a second date based on how they text OK?


The Cinderella Complex: Why You Should Boycott Fox's Prince Harry Dating Show

The words "disgusting" and "abhorrent" do little to describe much of the Fox corporation's behavior, but a new reality show— I Wanna Marry Harry —is a new low. Even for them.


New App Can Find Your "Happiest" Facebook Friends (Is That Great, Depressing, or Does It Even Matter?)

While there's a whole bevy of humanity that knows all-too-well the sometimes detrimental effect Facebook has on our sense of self-worth, a new app developed by TIME is aimed at telling you who your happiest friends are...which could produce the opposite effect.


The 43-hour Birth that Everyone's Talking About

Writer Cheryl Strayed was in labor for 43 hours!


Men vs Women: Whose Voice is Sexier?

Seductive voices are not created equal.


Listful Thinking: 10 Ways to Escape a Dastardly Date

In China, a man is suing his ex girlfriend for the stress she caused him surrounding her obsession with a Snoopy doll.


Female Owned Condom Company Causes a Storm at Chase Bank

Condoms—the antidote to unwanted pregnancies and STIs? Not if you're Chase Bank.


Behold! Japan and their Awesome Penis Festival

Thank you, Japan, for continuing to shock us with awesome weirdness. May we all kneel before the giant phallus of love and health in gratitude.
