
Pornhub Gets it On With the Environment

There are already ways to recycle sex toys and buy vegan lingerie. Now, Pornhub is planting trees to give America (get it?) wood.


Watermelon! Good for Tastebuds, Great For Penises!

What better way to stave off summer's oppressive rays—and add oomph to your sex life—than by indulging in a juicy watermelon?


Awkward! Why Some Couples Fight in Public

We've all seen couples go at it in front of innocent bystanders. What gives? Freud, for one, has a theory.


#TransformationTuesday Breakup—Heartbreaking or Genius Hoax?

The web is a'buzzing with recent social media documents (HA!) proving that a high school dude dumped his girlfriend through a hashtag and Instragram picture. Is this the lamest breakup ever, or a ploy to get attention? Nancy Drew time!


Stop Lying, "Celebs!" We Know you Released that Sex Tape on Purpose!

No one likes a liar. In the case of faux sex tape leakings—most recently Mimi Faust of Love & Hip-Hop—these famous fibbers are causing more harm than the average lil' white lie. If you want to make porn, just make porn.

Is it ever okay to date an ex's friend?

Is It Ever OK To Date An Ex's Friend? (What If You're Head Over Heels And They're The One?!)

The forbidden fruit always looks juicy and delicious (insert Eden pun here) but not all that glitters is gold. So is it ever okay to date an ex's friend?


Unrequited Love is Torture—Here's a Poem About It!

Chances are, you've experienced agonizing, soul-wrenching, f-my-life unrequited love. We found a poem that shares your pain...but in a totally entertaining way.


Sex Problem of the Day: Painful Dyspareunia

Despite the openness of friend circles and lady tribes, there are some things we like to keep hush-hush. We're here to open up the conversation about a vag pain called dyspareunia (don't worry, you're not dying).
