
Wow, it's almost like she's a real girl with real feelings. Who knew? (Credit: Facebook)

Is Taylor Swift Gay? It's None of Our Business

According to gossip-mongers, Swift may be involved with model Karlie Kloss. BS or not, whatever happened to privacy in the bedroom?

But, but . . . she's holding a baby! (Credit: Facebook)

Gia Arnold Infidelity Scandal Raises Age-Old Question: Should We Care When a Politician Cheats?

This time, a female politician has been caught with her pants down. Why do we care?


Imperatives: A Flash Fiction Breakup from Luna Luna Magazine

We had moved in together fast. I brought a silver tea service and a Persian rug, student loans and a pair of ragged cats. We settled in like it was forever.


Lacy Chabert Sells Soul, Makes Movie that Looks Suspiciously Like Ad for

Will "Christian Mingle" help America find God at the box office?

Smell the Glov. IndieGoGo

Smell the Glov: New Sex Toy Could Revolutionize Efficient Masturbation

All your self-love could be causing carpal tunnel syndrome. Glov is here to change all that.


The Ugly History of Anti-Choice Violence

MSNBC recently cast light on truly disturbing hypcorisy at play in the abortion debate.

Lucille in her best(?) times. (Credit: Facebook)

The Arrested Development Family: Insane, Outrageous and Completely Relatable

A fifth season of the cult favorite is reportedly on the horizon. Here's why we can't wait for more of this family's familiar dysfunction.

Sexts from Hannah? Of course I'll show you! Courtesy of Thinkstock

Hey Kids! Stop Sexting with this Handy New App

D.A.R.E. to keep kids off dick-pics. Just say no, teens, just say no.
