Smell the Glov. IndieGoGo
The tech sphere has brought us a bevy of unbelievable products. An app that scans strangers clothes to tell you where to buy the same ensemble? Done. Eating disorder guidance and relief app? Check. Wanna be "Snookified? No problem. So, we shouldn't be surprised that someone has found a way to make masturbation more joyful in a simple—albeit very odd looking—manner.
Wave hello to Glov.
Have you ever suffered through carpal tunnel? Keep the throbbing memory of that pain in the back of your mind while you read. Glov (made of silicon rubber) slips over your dominant hand. A bracket connects your index, middle and ring fingers. Using this piece, you'd affix one of two attachments (dildo or rabbit) to the bracket (palm side).
So? C'mon! Use your head. Now, you can operate Glov using those three fingers and nothing else. While there are buttons on Glov to handle varying degrees of vibrating intensity, it's basically all done with those lovely fingers.
But, why?
Remember I mentioned carpal tunnel? Glov reduces the user's chance to get that terrible affliction, which as it turns out, isn't solely caused by endless computer-ing. Carpal tunnel occurs any time when the nerve that runs from your palm to forearm (the median nerve) is put under stress and a wide variety of activities accomplish this in your day to day life . . . including rubbing one out.
Try a little experiment (Nerve did it—and now, you can too!). Make a fist near your naughtybits and pump it up and down as if you were using a standard toy. That motion works your hand, wrist, arm and even back. Now make that same fist, but solely move your three fingers up and down instead.
Ah. Isn't that easier? While it's not guaranteed that you'll get carpal tunnel doing the former fist version, given all the other bodily stresses you endure, why not avoid this pending pain altogether. Oh, and Glov is washable and rechargable. (Unlike your fist . . . at least the charging part.)
Right now it's still in a fledgling IndieGoGo campaign—which you can check out below—or else we'd hunt down a user of Glov and see if the hubbub was real.
Whatdya think—genius or overkill?