relationship advice
This isn’t Sleeping Beauty. There’s no prince coming to rescue you. What relationship beliefs are standing in your way?
Read...From a 25 point list, "These are the signs you're in an emotionally abusive relationship," he even agreed he was doing like 22 of them.
Read...Her parents, more specifically her mother, seem to have these microaggressions towards our relationship and I don’t know how to handle it. Am I overreacting?
Read...I’m the “other woman.” A couple of years ago I met this guy at my office and we were off and on. I don’t know if I should let his girlfriend know.
Read...My husband left yesterday after months of fighting because in October I found out he had an affair. Is my marriage really over?
Read...He kept that a secret for me for so long, how do I know he won't do it again!?? Please help! Am I the problem in our relationship?
Read...We have been together for two years. My boyfriend won’t text me back. I’m wondering how much space is enough to give my boyfriend until I text him back?
Read...Just over a year ago, a guy my age came to join my team. We instantly clicked and became great friends. Should I tell my colleague I'm in love with him?