
The drive to hyper-perform is basically a DNA strand of Americans. But that doesn't mean it's healthy... or sustainable.

It's Okay To Ask For Help & It's Definitely Okay To Give It

I can't do this on my own. This life thing, this parenting thing, this figuring out how to make it all work thing? Yeah, those things. I can't. And what's more is I don't think any of us are meant to. It's time to shed the taboo around asking and receiving help.

I was going to be left behind while everyone chatted about diapers and boppies and bonded over shared maternal experiences.

Navigating The Grief Of Miscarriage When Your Friends Have Babies

Miscarriage steals your ability to prepare for the future, to trust your body, your mind, and your support system.

fetal feet

What If You Never Hold Your Baby? Are You Still A Mother?

He told me there was nothing we could have done. He told me it happens sometimes. But it had never happened to me, so none of that mattered.

There are a plethora of baby app options out there, and not all are created equal.

Rav’s Repro: The Wild World Of Pregnancy And Fertility Apps

What I’ve found there is sometimes amusing, sometimes helpful, sometimes exactly the support I’ve needed, and sometimes downright paranoia inducing.

The truth about geriatric pregnancy? It sounds way scarier than it is.

Rav's Repro: The Truth About “Geriatric Pregnancy" 

Rav’s Repro is a column in which Erin explores all topics related to reproduction and reproductive rights.

Image: Unsplash/ Eric Froehling

Rav’s Repro: Can We Stop Judging Other People’s Reproductive Choices? 

When we talk about choice in the world of reproduction, we often distill it to views on abortion. We fight for the right to choose, to have agency over our bodies. Why, for some, does that exclude other choices?

My oldest holding our surprise (photo: Allison Dickie)

Finding Out You're Pregnant When You're Done Having Kids

I walked back into our bedroom and showed my husband the little strip with the telltale two pink lines.

Image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

Rav's Repro: All The Aches And Pains Of Pregnancy 

I am 28 weeks pregnant, freshly in the third trimester, and in the past week, a whole new crop of symptoms has popped up. This is what they are, and this is how I’m dealing with them. (Sort of. I’m trying.)
