pop culture

Wonder Woman is the hero so many women and girls have been waiting for their whole lives.

8 Inspiring Wonder Woman Moments That Will Change Hollywood Forever

There are about a zillion things I could say about what Patty Jenkins was able to accomplish with this movie, but for now I just want to touch on a few of the singular aspects of this film that were game-changers for all of Hollywood (and kids everywhere).

Screenshot from "Don't Touch My Hair" music video by Solange

An Ode To Solange In Honor Of Her Revolutionary Guggenheim Performance

This year, in collaboration with the Red Bull Music Academy, Solange re-invented the Guggenheim Museum and blessed us with “An Ode To.”

Rachel's face here is our faces watching this whole episode.

Gap Teeth And Toxic Masculinity: A Bachelorette Recap

I think we all collectively swooned when Peter proclaimed he was going to make a great dad…to the dog.


Where Are All The Fat Women In The Handmaid’s Tale?

Given that the only requirement to be forced into handmaiden-hood is fertility, I find it quite strange that I have seen not one handmaid who looks to be the size of the average American woman; all of them conform to the normative body requirements of Hollywood.

Illustration by Walter Crane (1847)

Beauty & The Beast Actually Isn't About Inner Beauty At All

When my husband suggested we see the 2017 remake of Beauty and The Beast, I told him we couldn't watch it because I'd be looking at it through appe


I Honestly Don't Know Where I Would Be Without Bob's Burgers

Bob’s Burgers is familiar and cozy and something I can let myself fall into completely. Having it on is like a constant, hilarious lullaby — one that I fall asleep to more often than not.

Image Credit: Tanner Vines via Unsplash

I'm Not Giving Up On My Dreams, And Neither Should You

I did not leave that theater the same way I arrived. It was then, as I walked back to my building and looked up at the night sky, that I knew. I thought to myself, “I want to make movies.”

Hayao Miyazaki returns! Image via GoBoiano

Hayao Miyazaki Is Coming Out Of Retirement To Make A New Movie (!!!)

The story is apparently one he has been working on for over 20 years.
