
Mommabare: Talking About Sex With Our Daughters (image credit: Julia Green)

Mommabare: Talking About Sex With Our Daughters

When talking about sex with our daughters, please remember that way boys and girls experience sex, both socially and actually, is often vastly different.

Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN): When your parents fail to respond enough to your emotional needs.

What Exactly Is Childhood Emotional Neglect?

Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN): When your parents fail to respond enough to your emotional needs. The negative effects last long into adulthood.

Every week, we'd gather in our family's small living room and watch Dawson's Creek together.

How Watching Dawson's Creek Brought Me Closer To My Dad

Every week, we'd gather in our family's small living room and watch Dawson's Creek together. And, thankfully, a tradition — and a bond — was formed.

illustration by Julia Green

Mommabare: How Do I Talk To My Kids About Sex?

Your kids need your openness and vulnerability as they navigate the confusing maze that is puberty. So don't be afraid to talk to your kids about sex!

You deserve linen sheets.

You Deserve Nice Things

As women we aren't meant to have needs as much as we are meant to fulfill needs. We fundamentally do not believe we deserve nice things. Let's change that!

Chances are pretty good that at some point they are going to be depressed. (image credit: Julia Green)

Mommabare: How Do I Talk To My Kids About Depression (And Why)? 

Talk to your kids about depression! Truly. They could probably do a better job of explaining your depression to you than you can them.

“Nevermind mom, you don’t understand. You’re not a gamer.”

Accepting My Son Is A Gamer Has Been Really Hard For Me

Then all of a sudden he stopped and muttered the words, “Nevermind mom, you don’t understand. You’re not a gamer.” That stopped me in my tracks.

For me, yoga is a big part of how I show myself love and care, and it’s also part of how I teach these things to my children.

Making Yoga A Part Of Your Parenting

For me, yoga is a big part of how I show myself love and care, and it’s also part of how I teach these things to my children.
