
It's taken me years to appreciate my body. There is nothing wrong with wanting to show it off.

A Guy Telling You What To Wear Is Not Cute, It's Controlling

It's taken me years to appreciate my body. There is nothing wrong with wanting to show it off. I never let a guy tell me what to wear!


Ask Aunt Ginger: Dress Code Enforcement! COVER UP THE GIRLS, GIRLS!

School is back in session and Aunt Ginger wants to remind girls that they should really just wear whatever the hell they want.

If our kids hear us excusing rape or sexual assault in any way, they will internalize that message. Image: Krewr Studio/Pexels.

6 Ways We (Accidentally) Teach Our Kids Rape Culture

As moms and dads, we probably don’t talk directly about rape to kids, at least not until they’re older. But we’re still sending messages about sex and consent all the time. Because of that, we need to make sure we’re not teaching them some very dangerous lessons, even if just by accident.
