
Image: Instagram/ supremedreams_1

Black Excellence Evolving: 9 Black Millennials Who Are Ready For Higher Education

These proud black millennials have discovered how to celebrate their excellence by infusing pride and culture into their academic achievements.

Voter registration for the 21st century.

National Voter Registration Day Goes High-Tech With HelloVote

When my son was six years old, I took him into the voting booth with me, so he could experience what I consider the sacred duty of each American ci

I am surprisingly unstressed about the amount of screen time our 1 year old is getting. Image: Thinkstock.

Why I'm Not That Worried About Screen Time

Once upon a time, the only thing to consider was “Does your kid watch too much TV?” But now it seems like nearly everyone can agree that kids these days spend far too much time looking at screens of all sorts.

The fact that your opinions are subject to change doesn’t make them invalid as they exist now. Image: Thinkstock.

I'm In My 20s And I Know I Don't Want Kids

I'm 23 years old, I don’t want children, and every elder who discovers this feels compelled to tell me how wrong I am about my own feelings.

It can be hard to understand how to support people in general, let alone those who seem to be struggling. Image: Thinkstock.

Tough Love: Not Always A Great Way To Help People Succeed

Some people will need more scaffolding to tackle their problems. Others, like some plants, are best left mostly alone and will eventually flourish on their own. You have to gauge a person’s needs and meet them where they are.

To sum up your adult aesthetic using the words of Ina Garten: “Store-bought is fine.” Image: Annie Spratt/Unsplash.

The 20 Most Important Realizations I've Had As An Adult

I’ve been 20 for, like, a whole month now — which is the most adult I’ve ever been. I’m certifiably ancient. Upon reflecting over these two years of arbitrary official adulthood, I thought to myself, “Self, you have so much to offer the world! People certainly want to hear what you have to say!” And so here we are. (Approximately 3 out of 5 Republican uncles will think this intro is dead serious.)

My mom has been an invaluable mentor — not just to me, but to many of my friends.

A Mother's Wisdom: Why Everyone Needs A Mentor And A Friend

Back in my early twenties, I struggled financially. But more so in that much-mocked Millennial quest of “finding myself,” I made a number of questionable decisions.
